Session Information 

We like to run our sessions at 24 children; however, we can take a maximum of 26 in case of emergencies.

Whilst every effort is made to offer the session selections you would like, sessions will be offered on a first come first served basis. Once the sessions have already been allocated to our maximum, we will offer alternative sessions.

Morning sessions are always the most popular and become fully allocated very quickly.

Afternoon Sessions

We would like to highlight the many positives of our afternoon sessions

  • Afternoon session often operate at between 15-20 children in the Autumn Term.
  • A reduced number of children allow for quieter sessions
  • We maintain our staffing numbers, so there is a usually a higher staff to child ratio. We have found this highly beneficial for children starting pre-school
    • Who are experiencing their first time away from family
    • Helping then to settle into Crescent Under Fives.
    • With a higher staff ratio, there will be more adult support for the children.

If morning sessions do become available during the term, we would offer a swap to morning session. 

Waiting List

If you would like your child to join our waiting list please complete our waiting list form

Please click the link below to complete our waiting list form.

If you require a paper copy of our waiting list, please contact us

We have a policy regarding our waiting list and operate it fairly. After you return your waiting list to us, it is entered onto our waiting list.

You can add your child onto our waiting list form at any point after your child is born.

Places are offered according to the date that your form was handed in and your child’s date of birth within that list. If your child is at the top of the list but is too young to start then they will remain at the top until they are old enough.

If you would like to book a look around, or if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call us on 0118 901 0012

What we offer 

Here at Crescent Under Fives we try to over flexibility to our parents, and are unique in the area that we offer funded places for 2 and a half year olds. 

We offer the following type of places  

  • 2½ year old PAID sessions 
  • 2½ year old FUNDED sessions - where eligible
  • 3 or 4 year old 15 hours FUNDED sessions - these are available from the term AFTER your child’s 3rd birthday
  • 3 or 4 year old extended 30 hours FUNDED - were eligible
  • Mixture of 15 hours FUNDED sessions and PAID Sessions. if you would like your child to attend for full days, but only have 15 hours funding, you can arrnage for extra paid sessions to be taken. 
  • Lunch Club

Our Fees*


Childs age and what we offer

Funded or Paid Place

Cost Per Session




2½ year old PAID 

PAID – we do require a minimum of 3 sessions to be paid



2½ year old FUNDED

FUNDED – 2 year funding reference number must be provided




3 or 4 year old 15 hours FUNDED


FUNDED – from the term AFTER your child’s 3rd birthday



3 or 4 year old extended 30 hours FUNDED

FUNDED – 30 Hour funding reference number must be provided



Mixture of FUNDED and PAID Sessions

PAID - On top of the 15 hours funded hours we can also offer additional paid sessions.



Lunch Club  - PAID




*Please note that these can be subject to change, but are correct at time of publishing.

We do not charge for any consumables or have any hidden extras in our costs, we do operate voluntary donations for items such as snacks. please see our fundraising and volunteering tab for further information. 

In the event of a child being withdrawn from pre-school with less than half a term’s notice, fees will still be charged. 

Fees continue to be payable if a child is absent for a short time. In case of prolonged absence (medical issue – operation, serious illness) parents should inform the pre-school, prior to the absence, in order that an agreement can be reached.  Prolonged absence does not refer to family holidays as this is parental choice. If a child does not attend for a whole half term without giving reason, their place will be reallocated and fees for the missed half-term will be charged.

If parents are unable to pay the half-term’s fees in advance, fees may be paid in instalments by arrangement.

There is no funding for the Lunch club and the Lunch club cannot form part of the Funded Hours Invoices are issued on a half termly basis. Once invoices are issued fees are due within 2 weeks.


All 3 and 4 year old children are eligible for 15 hours worth of funding from the term AFTER their 3rd birthday

We provide several types of funded and unfunded places.  Please take a look at the Family Information Services Website which gives full and comprehensive guidance about all of the types of funding available and how to apply to see if you are eligible.

Crescent Under 5s Pre-School | Reading Services Guide

30 Hours Free Childcare - if eligible

From 1 September 2017, the Government extended the funded childcare entitlement for working parents of 3 and 4 year olds, to 30 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year (1,140 hours per year).

The 30 hours funding entitlement was introduced alongside a scheme to help working families with the cost of childcare.

30 hours free childcare is available to eligible working families of 3 and 4 year olds in England. This is an additional 15 hours on top of the 15 hours available to all parents of three and four year olds. 

Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK


2 and a half year old funding - If eligible

 2 YF

If you have a child aged two and a half years old and you meet the eligibility criteria you are entitled to a maximum of 15 hours per week of funded early education, for 30 weeks per year. This will start from when they turn two and a half and will continue until they are entitles to the early years education for three and four year olds

If your child is eligible for 2 year funding - we will need to see a copy of the confirmation email/letter received from Brighter Futures/Reading Borough Council at point of registration. 

Tax Free Childcare Scheme 

We are signed up to the Tax Free Childcare Scheme.

Tax Free Childcare is a UK wide offer. Eligible parents with children under 12 can get up to £2,000 per child, per year, towards their childcare costs (or up to £4,000 for disabled children under 17).

Please see link below for further information on this scheme. 

How to use Tax-Free Childcare | Childcare choices


Pre-School Membership

As a limited company, all families whose children attend pre-school or toddlers, must become member of Crescent Under Fives. This is done as part of the registration process. If a family wishes to become a member although they have no child at Crescent Under Fives, they may do so by completing a membership form.


Rainbow over Crescent Under Fives


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SEND Local Offer 

SEND Local Offer is here for everyone in Reading, the directory website has lots of information and services that support children, young people and their families, please use this resources.

Families and professionals can also contact the Family Information Service/SEND Local Offer, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm on 0118 9373777 (option 2) or email us for support information

SEND Local Offer Poster from BFFC